When starting high school, Kumon clearly prepares students from day one. Depending on how long a student has been studying either the maths and/or English programs at Kumon (the further ahead of their school grade the better) he/she will enter high school with the following benefits:

  1. Improved basic skills — speed, accuracy, reading comprehension ability and concentration,
  2. Good stamina for daily study
  3. Increased self-confidence
  4. Strong self-discipline
  5. Independence in his/her learning

There is no doubt that work at high school increases substantially from primary school, however, Kumon can still be maintained on a daily basis especially when the student is studying at his/her ‘just right’ level. Just remember if TV, X-box and computer time can be maintained throughout high school so can some study time with Kumon. Helping our children to navigate a work schedule so everything can be completed in time and with confidence is one of the greatest gifts we can give our children. Beginning this process when your child is a teenager is a lot more challenging but never too late. The best time to set boundaries and expectations is from the day they are born. Always consider the end goal at the beginning.

Consider the core elements of Kumon:

Rock-solid foundation

Having begun at a level before any learning gaps have crept in each students is able to succeed without struggling thus building confidence and a secure foundation at every step.

‘Just’ right level/pace

Having worked at a pace that’s just right for a student helps them to propel themselves by their own ability and initiative being stimulated to learn and challenge rather than overwhelmed. At Kumon we never force students ahead nor hold them back.

Small steps forward

With each step being small enough to take on one’s own students learn by doing taking as make or as little time as they need. In this way, they are spurred on even by the most modest of progress.

Ironclad mastery

Students have to really get it before they move on applying each concept until it becomes second nature reviewing material to where necessary with the aim to master it and retain the skills for the future.

Self-motivated success

The satisfaction of knowing that they did themselves just motivates students to want to do more. Once success is tasted the drive to seek out the next challenge is increased and just knowing that one’s success is the direct result of one’s effort is inspiring.

Daily practice

Doing a little every day will keep students on top of their game. Kumon’s daily routine and bi-weekly centre visits build lifelong study habits and make them accountable to someone on a consistent basis.

With these core elements in place Kumon students can start high school on a hugely positive note and continue to build a solid base for their senior years in years 11 and 12.






The Maths curriculum in high school is very broad with students needing to apply the skills they have mastered in arithmetic and fractions to many new topics such as algebra, equations, number planes, ratio, Pythagoras Theorem etc. The exceptional number skills of Kumon Maths students make learning and understanding these new concepts much easier and the same is true of English. The grammar, punctuation, vocabulary and experience in reading comprehension over a vast array of genre and literature holds Kumon English students in a great position to write the assignments and read the instructions presented to them throughout their high school years.

Some students finish primary school and decide to quit doing Kumon for the wrong reasons. “I’ve got assignments and study to do now so I can’t fit Kumon in”, is the common reason, however, a student’s study program can be modified during the busy periods maintain the core elements of Kumon as it can play a pivotal role in keeping any student sharp for the rigours of high school study.